Coronavirus Outbreak Changes Our Society

Written by Irven Scott

COVID-19, otherwise known as “The Coronavirus” has changed our society. What does this mean to each of us? It means not being able to socialize with our friends, stop and have an intimate dinner, pop into our local pub or tavern to have a cold one, and for many of us, it means not being able to go to work and earn a living. Our lives as we knew them prior to March 2020 have changed drastically.

There is a lethal virus sweeping the world right now, and we have to wait it out. As hard as things are for us, there are tremendous numbers of people that it is immensely harder.   For others this is a matter of life and death.

It is important to accept our feelings, things are definitely rough right now and it’s best to forgive the instances in which we feel a little sorry for ourselves.  We are all bummed out, it’s understandable. Everyone’s likelihood of suddenly losing a loved one is higher right now. I wonder each morning when I log on to my computer and that little ‘Sun Sentinel’ notification window pops up with the latest headline, How many infected and how many more have died.  It is a scary time and we need to be able to express that and maybe find a friend or confidant to talk it through.  

We must acknowledge our privilege and our duty to not make it harder for everyone else. That boosted likelihood of losing someone is even great for a plethora of at-risk communities right now. So stay inside when you can. Protect your health. Wear your mask. Don’t make it any harder for others to do so. And, if you are up for it, find ways to actively make things a little better. Donate to those in need. Combat the spread of misinformation. Combat the illness itself. Be gentle with ourselves, honest with our feelings and maintain perspective. Why waste energy beating ourselves up over our natural reactions to this. Accept those feelings, sadness is inevitable, but gratitude and action are choices we can make. 

Precautions we can all take:

  • Practicing social distancing. Keep that 6 feet apart of physical distancing. 
  • Keep a stock of emergency supplies. Make sure that first-aid kit is stocked and you have your supplies ready. 
  • Do your best to sleep eight or more hours a night.  
  • Try to eat three REAL meals a day and keep hydrated.
  • Wash your hand with soap and water for twenty seconds regularly.
  • Keep your nails trimmed. Another good habit in minimizing the spread of the virus.
  • Minimize use of your hands, as well as their time around mucous membranes. Using your elbow for anything you can, covering coughs and sneezes, and immediately disinfect after. 
  • Periodically sanitize high-contact surfaces. Phone, computer, night stands.
  • Stay moisturized. Apparently, this actually helps, building a protective buffer on your skin.
  • Do your laundry frequently.  
  • Try to breathe only through your nose. It is safer than breathing through your mouth.
  • WEAR YOUR MASK! It is proven that wearing a mask will protect you and others from spreading this disease.

It’s our job to slow the spread of the virus, and more importantly, not to put anyone else at risk, especially those that are more susceptible.

And most importantly, KEEP YOURSELF INFORMED. Every one of us has a moral obligation to do our part in containing the spread. We have all been exposed to the “Flatten the Curve” by now. It is serious! Respect it. COVID-19 can be stopped, but only with dedication, sacrifice, and the ability to respect and listen to the experts. For more information, visit the CDC Website for pertinent and reliable information.

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